
to Jan 26

Weekend Seminar with Dr. Claudia Fugazza in Aalborg Denmark!

  • Google Calendar ICS

Center for Human-Animal-Psychology, Aalborg University and HundeVenligVerden are very pleased to invite Dr. Claudia Fugazza to Aalborg 25-26 January 2025!


The weekend of 25th and 26th of January 2025, Claudia will be sharing with us her studies on social learning with special focus on puppies.

She will also give us an overview of recent studies about social cognition, and introduce her exciting new topic of research: The Gifted Word Learner Dogs.

Practical Informations:

Lectures will be from 10.00 - 16.00 both days!
Price: 3100.-DKK

Including in price is light lunch both days, the/coffee/ and afternoon cake&fruits.

Adresse: Borgmester Jørgensensvej 2, 9000 Aalborg. Center for menneske-dyr-psykologi.

Registering and questions, write to:

We look forward seeing you there!

Learn more about the topics:

The extraordinary abilities and immense potential of Gifted Word Learner dogs:

Dogs that can learn object verbal labels – e.g., the names of their toys - are extremely rare. While most typical family dogs cannot learn the names of even two objects, these few exceptional dogs
easily acquire a vocabulary of hundreds of object labels during spontaneous play sessions with their owners, in the absence of intentional training. This is why they are called “Gifted Word
Learner dogs (GWL)”.

Until recently, very little was known about this phenomenon, but in the last few years, with the help of an innovative scientific project capitalising on a social media campaign, we managed to
recruit an unprecedentedly large sample of GWL dogs, from all over the world.

Our research demonstrates that GWL dogs have an extraordinary rapid rate of acquisition, learning new labels after hearing it only four times (fugazza et al. 2021a). They can even acquire
new labels by eavesdropping on their owners’ conversations. Once they have learned an object label, they can remember it for up to two years (Dror et al. 2021), and some GWL dogs
spontaneously categorise objects according to shape (Fugazza and Miklosi 2020).

In my talk I will share more of what we know about GWL dogs’ cognitive abilities and present their immense potential as a comparative model for studying a variety of different cognitive
mechanisms that are elusive to study in non-linguistic animals. By varying the conditions under which we ask GWL dogs to retrieve toys, we can discover more about the relationship between
language and mental representations (Dror, Sommese et al. 2022) By comparing these dogs to typical dogs (i.e., dogs that do not learn object labels), we can study how words influence mental
processes (Fugazza et al. 2022). As these dogs present a unique case of an extraordinary skill in a nonhuman species, they may even serve as a model to study what makes some minds exceptional (talent; Fugazza et al. 2021b).

Social learning in dogs:

More than a decade of research uncovered dogs’ surprising socio-cognitive skills. Dogs are not only able, but even predisposed to acquire information socially from humans.
In this talk I will present the studies that revealed dogs’ natural skills in interacting with humans as social partners. I will present results showing the effect of domestication on dogs
socio-cognitive traits as well as studies that show that social learning skills and social referencing develop early in dogs, as 8-week-old dog puppies already show evidence of such cognitive abilities.
I will first describe the studies carried out using the Do as I Do method, because they allowed us to discover more about the “dogs’ mind”, investigating on topics that were elusive with
other methods.
Dogs trained with Do as I Do learn to match their behaviour to actions demonstrated by a human model, when asked to do so (Topál et al. 2006; Fugazza and Miklósi 2014a).
By the use of this paradigm we studied several socio-cognitive skills, such as the ability to imitate, the ability of understanding the goals of others, deferred imitation and different types of
memory of others’ actions (Fugazza et al. 2015), including episodic-like memory, a type of memory that was previously thought to be uniquely human (Fugazza et al. 2016). We also
applied a modified version of this method to study the ability of dogs to represent and remember their own actions (a building block of self-awareness; Fugazza et al. 2018).
We also devoted part of our research to applied topics regarding the use of the Do as I do method in dog-training procedures. The Do as I Do method proved more efficient than methods relying on associative learning (Fugazza and Miklósi 2014b) and it proved to
enhance dogs’ memory and generalization of the trained action (Fugazza and Miklósi 2015).
We suggest that the mental representation of the trained action that emerges as a result of being trained with social learning or operant conditioning is different.
Dogs’ predisposition to imitate human actions spontaneously emerges early and also in the absence of food rewards. The results of our research pave the way to the development
of novel, ethologically oriented methods to train puppies, relying on their natural predisposition rather than using food (Fugazza et al. 2018a; b; 2023).

Dr. Claudia Fugazza, PhD.

Researcher at the Department of Ethology in Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest). Her research is focused on dogs’ social cognitive abilities. She developed a training method called Do as I Do (named after Hayes & Hayes 1952 and Topál et al. 2006), which relies on dog’s imitative skills and is currently using it as paradigm to study dogs’ cognition. Due to its effectiveness, this method also spread in the applied field of dog training and she devote part of her research to study its effectiveness.

She obtained her PhD in Ethology at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) conducting research on social learning and imitation in dogs.

Claudia received her B.Sc. on Dog Breeding and Education (TACREC), a Master in Ethology of Companion Animals and a Master in Dog Training at the University of Pisa (Italy).

She published a book on the use of social learning in dog training, Fugazza C. 2011 “DO AS I DO Using Social Learning to Train Dogs” – Ed. Haqihana (Milano) translated in other 5 languages and a DVD, Fugazza C. 2013 “Do as I Do. A new training method based on social learning” Ed. Tawzerdog (USA)

Claudia travels around the world and lecturer at several seminars about social learning in dogs and its use in dog training.

And here you can read more about Center for Human-Animal-Psyshology, Aalborg University:

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to May 19

Chirag´ s Behaviour & Training Week 13.-19. May 2025

The course is full 7 days were you will deepen your knowledge about dog training, behaviour and problem-solving techniques.

We will be diving deep into real-world cases of dog behaviour and training. From separation anxiety to aggressive tendencies, we'll explore a broad spectrum of behaviours, providing you with comprehensive tools to handle even the most challenging scenarios.

The fundamentals will be ABC´s of behaviors

Our daily schedule is packed with real-life case video and studies, behaviour analysis in practice, in-depth discussions and the opportunity to ask your questions.

We delve into practical ways to work with the dog and the caregiver, proposing environment and behaviour modifications that foster a harmonious relationship.

Besides these activities, we also offer daily lectures and discussions on the science of behaviour change, grounding your practice in sound and current research as well hands on work with chickens.

2 of the 7 days will be at the near by Animal Shelter were we will be working with different species and cases.

This course is for professionals with a minimum of two years training experience.

  • It is not suitable to bring a dog with you.

  • 13.-19th of May 2025, both days included.

  • Max participants is 14.

  • Price 15.500.-DKK

Included in your package:

  • Daily lunches, and a variety of coffee, tea, fruits, and cakes.

  • Exclusive access to a private Facebook Group for ongoing learning and support.

  • A Dropbox folder chock-full of valuable written material

  • Over 10 hours of pre-course video content.

  • A follow-up Zoom meeting after the course to answer any lingering questions.

Facebook Event:

Registering and Contact: - Mobil: +45 29859576

The course will be hosted at: Slotsgårdsvej 4, Skibsted, 9293 Kongerslev

About Chirag:

Chirag Patel runs Domesticated Manners in London, UK. He consults on the ethical and science-based practice of behavior management and training for animals housed in domestic, zoo, and laboratory environments. Chirag also conducts workshops for professionals internationally and was a behavior consultant on the BBC 1 television show Nightmare Pets SOS.

Chirag earned his BSc (Hons) in Veterinary Sciences from the Royal Veterinary College in London and a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Animal Behavior from the University of Lincoln, UK. He is also a certified parrot behavior consultant (CPBC) with the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC). Currently, Chirag is studying for a MSc in Applied Behavior Analysis.

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to Sep 11

4 Days - Proprioception and Fitness - Advanced

Sam Turner

For dem som allerede har deltaget på:
Proprioception and Fitness - Instructors course!

Dag 1: Puppy Proprioception, Confidence

Dag 2: Adolescents and Senior

Dag 3: Cavaletti and Balance work

Dag 4: Plank work, Foot placement and Fitness

Prisen er: 6.900.-

Facebook Event:

Let frokost, kaffe/the - frugt/kage

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to Sep 5

Proprioception and Fitness - Instructors course

Sam Turner

Day 1: What is proprioception training and what does it do?

The basis of cavaletti work. Discussing gaits, balance in the body and in movement, coordination and muscle strength/fitness. We will discuss theory and after that you will practice with your own dogs. You will learn how to teach the exercise, look at movement, gaits, setting up the cavaletti for each dog, assess movement and adjust the exercise where necessary.

Day 2: Foot placement and body awareness -
​What is body awareness and what is the aim. Equipment choice and use. The exercises that make up this part of the training. The practical part takes you through how to teach the different exercises. How to adjust for different types and age groups. Theory and practical of gymnastics exercises. Aim of the exercises, how to teach and what to look out for.

Day 3: Planks and balance cushions -

Theory and equipment choice for plank work. Why do we use planks and which guidelines are there concerning safety and rules for the planks. Which dogs benefit from plank work.
During the practical part we work with the dogs on how to teach the planks to guardians and their dogs. How to implement the planks and when to do so.
Balance cushions are also part of this day. The theory of balance work and choice of equipment.

​Day 4: Balance work and balance balls -

The theory covers appropriate material and equipment and also discusses the use of implementing equipment for strength training in dogs.
Theory will be alternated with practical training with your own dogs. You will learn to look at what is happening in the body when dogs are learning to stand on balance equipment and are standing on balance equipment.
How do you implement the equipment, how to teach the dogs and their guardians and what is the aim of these exercises.

Day 5: Assessment level 1 -

Assessment Level 1 (more information further down)
Discussing homework: lesson plans
Watching videos of exercises. During the course we will be taking video of the dogs when doing the exercises. This day we will be working through those videos. There will also be other video available to illustrate what we have been working on during the course.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

- know what proprioception training is and what it isn’t
- implement the exercises for adult dogs that don’t have any physical limitation
- choose equipment that is appropriate and safe. use equipment in a safe and responsible way
- look at a dog and observe any signs that indicate the dog can/can’t or does/doesn’t want to continue
- estimate the impact an exercise has on a dog
- teach exercises in small approximations and at a level suitable to the skill level of the dog
- set up a lesson plan in which you take the physical and limits of dogs into account
- decide if an exercise is suitable for different age groups

The days will run from 9.00 till 16.00 h. There will be a simple lunch and short breaks in the morning and afternoon to create some space in your heads. Plenty of room for questions and discussion as this is an important part of your learning.

The whole course is a combination of theory and practice. The practical part consists of going through the exercises with different dogs.

This enables you to practice looking at movement of different types of dogs and what you can do exercise wise.

Observation and discussion are very much central for this part of the learning.

You will bring your own dog to the course and they will be working different exercises during the week.

Dogs can’t be younger than 10 months and not older than 10 years of age. Dogs with serious physical limitations are excluded from the practical part of the course.

If you want to join in for your own development and to learn more about and for your dogs but you are not an instructor, this course is still suitable.

Continued learning is done through seminars and in-depths days (advanced course for international participants).

Facebook Gruppe:

Limited spots available for only 12

Price: 8500.-

Light vegan lunch, coffee/tea/fruits and of course cake each day

Place: Slotsgårdsvej 4, Skibsted
9293 Kongerslev

Contact Mally at:

Diploma P4F Proprioception

Mandatory is a completed instructors course. There are three assessments to take before you get the diploma for certified proprioception instructor. Your name will be added to the list of Proprioception instructors on the website

Level 1 assessment: written assessment about the theory of proprioception training. This assessment is part of day five of the course.

Level 2 assessment: either a live or a video assessment of you teaching one of the following exercises: cavaletti, balance ball, foot placement, plank work. You will explain what the exercise is and what the aim of the exercise is (what does it do). And then you demonstrate how you teach the exercise to your learner. (35 euros)

Level 3 assessment: Consists of two separate parts of an hour. During these classes you will teach two learners with their dogs. You will cover theory and practice and will teach how to do the exercises you are covering in that class. You will guide guardian and dog and be able to make adjustments to exercises when necessary. Any choices you make you will need to back up with your reasons why, based on your knowledge of proprioception training and your observations of the dogs you are working with.

part 1: Cavaletti and balance work (egg ball or air bed, you explain why you use the one you choose)

part 2: Plank work and foot placement

These assessments are to be done live and we will plan assessment days together. (cost 75 euros per assessment, the assessments can be done on the same day).

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to May 29

Do as I do - First Level Seminar!


Claudia Fugazza kommer igen til Danmark for 5 gang og holder weekend kursus i Level 1 Do as I do :)

Alle dem der deltager vil få adgang til en WhatsApp gruppe hvor vi vil have mulighed for at få svar til alle spørgsmål der kunne dukke op før vi mødes.

23. Marts 2022 klokken 18.00 vil vi alle samles online til ca 2 timers webinar hvor vi får virkelig grundig instruktioner i trainingsmetoden "Do as I do" så vi er helt klar til weekenden.

Der kan kun deltage hunde med i weekenden (28-29 Maj 2022) som allerede har mestret grundfærdigheden i metoden. Og derfor har vi WhatsApp gruppen og det online webinar, så I vil få rigelig med hjælp :)

Sted: Slotsgårdvej 4, 9293 Kongerslev Nordjylland.

Pris: 3390.- Inkluderet er: Weekend seminar, Webinar, adgang til WhatsApp gruppen, Let frokost, The og Kaffe og frugt,snaks og kage.

Tilmelding sker hos Mally:

What is Do as I Do?

“Do as I Do” is a new training method based on dog’s social cognitive skills, particularly on their predisposition to learn from humans. With this technique dogs will learn new behaviours by observing and imitating their owners.

Take a look at this short video:

What is the Seminar about?
During the seminar, Dr. Fugazza will describe how to teach dogs the “imitation rule” and how to progress through
the training protocol. Dogs will first be taught to imitate a small set of familiar actions (actions already trained with traditional techniques) and will then generalize this rule. She will also explain what are the cognitive abilities implied in this training method.
At the end of the training protocol, the owner will be able to teach new behaviors to his dog, simply showing them what to do.

What is Social Learning?
Social learning means acquiring information and behaviors from the observation of others.
Recent ethological studies revealed the social cognitive abilities of dogs and demonstrated that they are surprisingly
predisposed to learn socially from humans.

Look at the webpage for further information: - +45-29859576 -

Facebook event:

Og meld dig gerne ind i vore Facebook Gruppe:

Glæder mig til at høre fra dig <3

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to May 5

Understanding, Managing & Modifying Problem Behaviours!

This course is for professionals with a minimum of two years training experience. It is not suitable to bring a dog with you.

Fantastic opportunity to learn about and discuss problem behaviours and behaviour consulting in a safe environment with only 11 other students and Chirag over 7 days.

We have a real case study each day, referred from our local vet cases ranging from dogs showing separation related behaviour to biting, barking and lunging at people and dogs.

Each morning we listen to and discuss a telephone consultation with a client, who then visits us with their dog in the afternoon.

We also explore and discusses the various ways he can work with the caregiver and the dog to modify their environments and behaviour. Later in the week we follow up the progress with each client.

Each day there are also lectures and discussions about the science of behaviour change.

Pris: 12.000.- dkk -

STED: Slotsgårdsvej 4, Skibsted, 9293 Kongerslev

PLADS TIL 12 MENNESKER - Few Spots available

Inkluderet let Vegansk frokost, Kaffe, The, kage og frugt

Facebook Event:

Tilmelding og nærmere oplysninger sker hos: - Mobil: +45 29859576

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to Apr 25

7 days - Puppy training instructors course!


Only 2 spots available -

Puppy training is often looked at as the easy group course to teach; However if you want to set-up a puppy for life, then mistakes made at this crucial point can have a lifetime of consequences. This course has been set-up to provide trainers knowledge, practice and support in this area.

The Practical Puppy Training Instructors’ course has been designed to provide both theoretical and practical skills in teaching puppies and their caregivers in a group setting. There is a focus on the practical application of information and getting hands-on during this course. 

There is a lot of information out there, BUT what is fact and what’s opinion?  How about common questions such as: 

  •      Should you have off lead play or not? If so, how do you do this?

  •      How do you deal with clients, their questions and those clients that you may label “difficult and unmotivated”?

  •      To teach bite inhibition or not? How do you teach this in a way that is practical for our clients?

During the 7-days you will learn how to help puppies develop socialisation skills and teach  their caregivers how to do this. How to create a puppy-human relationship that is based on trust, confidence and empowerment. Focusing on teaching puppies behaviours that are useful for daily living and help prepare them to cope with life’s challenges.

We emphasise that no matter how good you are as an animal trainer you are likely to make a minimal impact in the puppy-person relationship unless you have skills in helping humans change their behaviours too. So during the workshop we place importance on teaching both puppies and people.

Læs mere her:

Pris: 12.000.- dkk

STED: Slotsgårdsvej 4, Skibsted, 9293 Kongerslev

PLADS TIL 12 MENNESKER - 2 Spots Available!

Inkluderet let Vegansk frokost, Kaffe, The, kage og frugt

Facebook Event:

Tilmelding og nærmere oplysninger sker hos: - Mobil: +45 29859576

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to Apr 10

Instructors course Proprioception!

Only Few spots available!

Day 1: What is proprioception training and what does it do?

The basis of cavaletti work. Discussing gaits, balance in the body and in movement, coordination and muscle strength/fitness. We will discuss theory and after that you will practice with your own dogs. You will learn how to teach the exercise, look at movement, gaits, setting up the cavaletti for each dog, assess movement and adjust the exercise where necessary.

Day 2: Foot placement and body awareness -
​What is body awareness and what is the aim. Equipment choice and use. The exercises that make up this part of the training. The practical part takes you through how to teach the different exercises. How to adjust for different types and age groups. Theory and practical of gymnastics exercises. Aim of the exercises, how to teach and what to look out for.

Day 3: Planks and balance cushions -

Theory and equipment choice for plank work. Why do we use planks and which guidelines are there concerning safety and rules for the planks. Which dogs benefit from plank work.
During the practical part we work with the dogs on how to teach the planks to guardians and their dogs. How to implement the planks and when to do so.
Balance cushions are also part of this day. The theory of balance work and choice of equipment.

​Day 4: Balance work and balance balls -

The theory covers appropriate material and equipment and also discusses the use of implementing equipment for strength training in dogs.
Theory will be alternated with practical training with your own dogs. You will learn to look at what is happening in the body when dogs are learning to stand on balance equipment and are standing on balance equipment.
How do you implement the equipment, how to teach the dogs and their guardians and what is the aim of these exercises.

Day 5: Assessment level 1 -

Assessment Level 1 (more information further down)
Discussing homework: lesson plans
Watching videos of exercises. During the course we will be taking video of the dogs when doing the exercises. This day we will be working through those videos. There will also be other video available to illustrate what we have been working on during the course.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

- know what proprioception training is and what it isn’t
- implement the exercises for adult dogs that don’t have any physical limitation
- choose equipment that is appropriate and safe. use equipment in a safe and responsible way
- look at a dog and observe any signs that indicate the dog can/can’t or does/doesn’t want to continue
- estimate the impact an exercise has on a dog
- teach exercises in small approximations and at a level suitable to the skill level of the dog
- set up a lesson plan in which you take the physical and limits of dogs into account
- decide if an exercise is suitable for different age groups

The days will run from 9.00 till 16.00 h. There will be a simple lunch and short breaks in the morning and afternoon to create some space in your heads. Plenty of room for questions and discussion as this is an important part of your learning.

The whole course is a combination of theory and practice. The practical part consists of going through the exercises with different dogs.

This enables you to practice looking at movement of different types of dogs and what you can do exercise wise.

Observation and discussion are very much central for this part of the learning.

You will bring your own dog to the course and they will be working different exercises during the week.

Dogs can’t be younger than 10 months and not older than 10 years of age. Dogs with serious physical limitations are excluded from the practical part of the course.

If you want to join in for your own development and to learn more about and for your dogs but you are not an instructor, this course is still suitable.

Continued learning is done through seminars and in-depths days (advanced course for international participants).

Pris: 8500.-

STED: Slotsgårdsvej 4, Skibsted, 9293 Kongerslev

PLADS TIL 12 MENNESKER -Få pladser er tilbage

Inkluderet let Vegansk frokost, Kaffe, The, kage og frugt

Facebook Event:

Tilmelding og nærmere oplysninger sker hos: - Mobil: +45 29859576

Diploma P4F Proprioception

Mandatory is a completed instructors course. There are three assessments to take before you get the diploma for certified proprioception instructor. Your name will be added to the list of Proprioception instructors on the website

Level 1 assessment: written assessment about the theory of proprioception training. This assessment is part of day five of the course.

Level 2 assessment: either a live or a video assessment of you teaching one of the following exercises: cavaletti, balance ball, foot placement, plank work. You will explain what the exercise is and what the aim of the exercise is (what does it do). And then you demonstrate how you teach the exercise to your learner. (35 euros)

Level 3 assessment: Consists of two separate parts of an hour. During these classes you will teach two learners with their dogs. You will cover theory and practice and will teach how to do the exercises you are covering in that class. You will guide guardian and dog and be able to make adjustments to exercises when necessary. Any choices you make you will need to back up with your reasons why, based on your knowledge of proprioception training and your observations of the dogs you are working with.

part 1: Cavaletti and balance work (egg ball or air bed, you explain why you use the one you choose)

part 2: Plank work and foot placement

These assessments are to be done live and we will plan assessment days together. (cost 75 euros per assessment, the assessments can be done on the same day).

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to Jan 23

Understanding, Managing & Modifying Problem Behaviours!

This course is for professionals with a minimum of two years training experience. It is not suitable to bring a dog with you.

Fantastic opportunity to learn about and discuss problem behaviours and behaviour consulting in a safe environment with only 11 other students and Chirag over 7 days.

We have a real case study each day, referred from our local vet cases ranging from dogs showing separation related behaviour to biting, barking and lunging at people and dogs.

Each morning we listen to and discuss a telephone consultation with a client, who then visits us with their dog in the afternoon.

We also explore and discusses the various ways he can work with the caregiver and the dog to modify their environments and behaviour. Later in the week we follow up the progress with each client.

Each day there are also lectures and discussions about the science of behaviour change.

Pris: 12.000.- dkk

STED: Slotsgårdsvej 4, Skibsted, 9293 Kongerslev

PLADS TIL 12 MENNESKER - 2 Spots available

Inkluderet let Vegansk frokost, Kaffe, The, kage og frugt

Facebook Event:

Tilmelding og nærmere oplysninger sker hos: - Mobil: +45 29859576

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to Dec 13

7 days - Puppy training instructors course!


2 Spots Available!

Puppy training is often looked at as the easy group course to teach; However if you want to set-up a puppy for life, then mistakes made at this crucial point can have a lifetime of consequences. This course has been set-up to provide trainers knowledge, practice and support in this area.

The Practical Puppy Training Instructors’ course has been designed to provide both theoretical and practical skills in teaching puppies and their caregivers in a group setting. There is a focus on the practical application of information and getting hands-on during this course. 

There is a lot of information out there, BUT what is fact and what’s opinion?  How about common questions such as: 

  •      Should you have off lead play or not? If so, how do you do this?

  •      How do you deal with clients, their questions and those clients that you may label “difficult and unmotivated”?

  •      To teach bite inhibition or not? How do you teach this in a way that is practical for our clients?

During the 7-days you will learn how to help puppies develop socialisation skills and teach  their caregivers how to do this. How to create a puppy-human relationship that is based on trust, confidence and empowerment. Focusing on teaching puppies behaviours that are useful for daily living and help prepare them to cope with life’s challenges.

We emphasise that no matter how good you are as an animal trainer you are likely to make a minimal impact in the puppy-person relationship unless you have skills in helping humans change their behaviours too. So during the workshop we place importance on teaching both puppies and people.

Læs mere her:

Pris: 12.000.- dkk

STED: Slotsgårdsvej 4, Skibsted, 9293 Kongerslev

PLADS TIL 12 MENNESKER - 2 Spots Available!

Inkluderet let Vegansk frokost, Kaffe, The, kage og frugt

Facebook Event:

Tilmelding og nærmere oplysninger sker hos: - Mobil: +45 29859576

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to Oct 10

Instructors course Proprioception!

Few Spots available - Due to covid there has been opening in few spots -

Day 1: What is proprioception training and what does it do?

The basis of cavaletti work. Discussing gaits, balance in the body and in movement, coordination and muscle strength/fitness. We will discuss theory and after that you will practice with your own dogs. You will learn how to teach the exercise, look at movement, gaits, setting up the cavaletti for each dog, assess movement and adjust the exercise where necessary.

Day 2: Foot placement and body awareness -
​What is body awareness and what is the aim. Equipment choice and use. The exercises that make up this part of the training. The practical part takes you through how to teach the different exercises. How to adjust for different types and age groups. Theory and practical of gymnastics exercises. Aim of the exercises, how to teach and what to look out for.

Day 3: Planks and balance cushions -

Theory and equipment choice for plank work. Why do we use planks and which guidelines are there concerning safety and rules for the planks. Which dogs benefit from plank work.
During the practical part we work with the dogs on how to teach the planks to guardians and their dogs. How to implement the planks and when to do so.
Balance cushions are also part of this day. The theory of balance work and choice of equipment.

​Day 4: Balance work and balance balls -

The theory covers appropriate material and equipment and also discusses the use of implementing equipment for strength training in dogs.
Theory will be alternated with practical training with your own dogs. You will learn to look at what is happening in the body when dogs are learning to stand on balance equipment and are standing on balance equipment.
How do you implement the equipment, how to teach the dogs and their guardians and what is the aim of these exercises.

Day 5: Assessment level 1 -

Assessment Level 1 (more information further down)
Discussing homework: lesson plans
Watching videos of exercises. During the course we will be taking video of the dogs when doing the exercises. This day we will be working through those videos. There will also be other video available to illustrate what we have been working on during the course.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

- know what proprioception training is and what it isn’t
- implement the exercises for adult dogs that don’t have any physical limitation
- choose equipment that is appropriate and safe. use equipment in a safe and responsible way
- look at a dog and observe any signs that indicate the dog can/can’t or does/doesn’t want to continue
- estimate the impact an exercise has on a dog
- teach exercises in small approximations and at a level suitable to the skill level of the dog
- set up a lesson plan in which you take the physical and limits of dogs into account
- decide if an exercise is suitable for different age groups

The days will run from 9.00 till 16.00 h. There will be a simple lunch and short breaks in the morning and afternoon to create some space in your heads. Plenty of room for questions and discussion as this is an important part of your learning.

The whole course is a combination of theory and practice. The practical part consists of going through the exercises with different dogs.

This enables you to practice looking at movement of different types of dogs and what you can do exercise wise.

Observation and discussion are very much central for this part of the learning.

You will bring your own dog to the course and they will be working different exercises during the week.

Dogs can’t be younger than 10 months and not older than 10 years of age. Dogs with serious physical limitations are excluded from the practical part of the course.

If you want to join in for your own development and to learn more about and for your dogs but you are not an instructor, this course is still suitable.

Continued learning is done through seminars and in-depths days (advanced course for international participants).

Pris: 8500.-

STED: Slotsgårdsvej 4, Skibsted, 9293 Kongerslev

PLADS TIL 12 MENNESKER -Få pladser er tilbage

Inkluderet let Vegansk frokost, Kaffe, The, kage og frugt

Facebook Event:

Tilmelding og nærmere oplysninger sker hos: - Mobil: +45 29859576

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to Jun 2

Lori Stevens in Iceland - Body awareness and Fitness

Lori S..jpg

Lori Stevens kemur alla leið frá Seattle til að kenna okkur Íslendingum hvernig best er að halda hundunum okkar í formi. Bæði líkamlegu og andlegu.

Þetta helgarnámskeið verður fyrir fólk með hunda og fólk án hunda. Aðeins verður unnið með einn hund í einu.

Lori Stevens hefur haldið námskeið úti um allan heim og hefur einstaka nætni og gott auga fyrir hreifingu hvers hundar fyrir sig. Hún passar mikið upp á hvern hund og fer aldrei yfir neinar "grensur".

Endilega verið fljót að skrá ykkur þar sem takmörkuð hundapláss eru.

Staðsetning: Kirkjulundi 13, 210 Garðabær (Húsnæðið sem er ská á móti Dýraspítalanum!)

Verð með hundi: 39.900
Verð án hunds: 29.900

Innifalið er kaffi/te, léttur hádegisverður og síðdegis kaffi og kaka.

Skráning og allar fyrirspurnir eru hjá mér:

Mallý Þorleifsdóttir
Farsími danskur: 0045-29859576

Hlakka til að sjá ykkur í Júní! :)

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8:30 AM08:30

The Dog´s Mind! Med Claudia Fugazza!


This seminar reveals the most recent scientific discoveries on dogs’ social cognition, explained by a scientist for the general public: dog trainers,

veterinarians, other professionals working with dogs and interested owners.

Dogs, thanks to their evolutionary and developmental history with humans, show some socio-cognitive skills that were thought to be uniquely humans.

During the seminar, the attendees will be taken into the journey of discoveries that now brought us to know a little bit more or “the dog’s mind”.

The predisposition to learn socially, different types of memory, self-awareness, awareness of own and others’ actions, language learning and the development of social cognitive skills in puppies... These and other topics that were recently investigated by scientists working on dogs’ cognition will be covered during the seminar.

It is a ‘not to be missed’ event for all professionals working with dogs, but also for interested owners and dog lovers.

Possibility to undertake an exam at the end of the seminar and obtain a certificate assessing the acquired knowledge.


- Self awareness in dogs?

- Language learning and processing and related cognitive skills. - Do dogs understand our words?

- The development of socio-cognitive skills in dog puppies and... using them for training

- The roots of social learning and imitation. Why is it so special?

- How do dogs remember? Different types of memory

- What do dogs learn from humans?

- The ability to understand others’ actions and their goals


Dr. Claudia Fugazza, PhD

Current position: Research Fellow at the Department of Ethology Eötvös Loránd

University – Budapest

STED: Tune Kursuscenter, Grevevej 20, 2670 Greve

PRIS: 1490.- inkluderet fuld forplejning


ELLER RING PÅ: 29859576

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to Dec 2

Helgarnámskeið með Claudia Fugazza á Íslandi!!

Helgarnámskeið með Claudia Fugazza í "Do as I do"

Endilega skráið ykkur á þetta spennandi námskeið þar sem þið lærið að nota skemmtilegu þjálfunar aðferðina "Do as I do".

Claudia Fugazza vinnur við háskólann í Budapest þar sem hún ásamt teymi hennar eru með spennandi rannsóknarvinnu tengda hundum og hvernig þeir muna og hugsa.

Hér er heimasíðan hennar:


Facebook Viðburður:

Claudia hefur þróað þjálfunar aðferðina “Do as I do” sem byggir á að hundar læra með því að fylgjast með því hvað við gerum og herma svo eftir. Þegar hundurinn getur lært á þennann hátt og við höfum kennt hundinum ákveðnar reglur í sambandi við það, þá getum við kennt hundinum nýjar æfingar eða nýtt atferli á met hraða.

Do as I do byggir á “social learning” sem er að hundurinn lærir á félagslegan hátt. Mjög einfaldlega útskýrt þá hermir hundurinn eftir okkur.

Ég hef skipulagt námskeið með Claudia í Danmörk síðan 2014 og kynnt aðferðir hennar í Norðurlöndunum. Hún hefur ferðast um allann heiminn með námskeið.

Þessi þjálfunar aðferð er í persónulegu uppáhaldi hjá mér þar sem mér finnst alveg frábært að upplifa hvernig hún styrkir sambandið á milli hunds og manneskju.

Námskeiðið er haldið á Dýraspítalanum í Garðabæ helgina 1 - 2. Desember 2018.

Þetta námskeið er fyrir alla sem hafa áhuga á hundum og einnig þeim sem vinna faglega með hundum.

Verð er: 28.900.-

Innifalið er: Kaffi/te, léttur hádegisverður og kaka og ávextir.

Skráning er hjá Mallý:
E-póstur -
Sími Íslenskur: 7746637


Write here… 









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to Sep 10

Proprioception and Fitness - Advanced

Sam .jpeg

For dem som allerede har deltaget på:
Proprioception and Fitness - Instructors course!

Hvis ikke så kan du finde den her:

Grov plan for dagene 7-10 September er:

Dag 1: cavaletti half day, Egg work 1/2 day

Dag 2: Puppy Proprioception full day

Dag 3: Plank work 1/2 day and Fear full dogs/confidence 1/2 day

Dag 4: Senior 1/2 day, Adolescents 1/2 day

Prisen er: 4.900.-
Jeg er som sædvanlig meget flexibel for dem som vil dele betalingen. I kan dele i 2,3,4 eller 5 dele :-)

Inkluderet som sidst: Let frokost, kaffe/the/sodavand/frugt/kage

Facebook event:

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to Sep 3

Proprioception and Fitness - Instructors course

Sam .jpeg

Proprioception training will give you a deeper understanding of dog’s bodies and how to use exercises to enhance fitness and strength as well as mental and physical stamina. In this course there will be a combination of theory and practice. The theory will look at the different exercise we use and why we use them. What is the effect on the body and what do we need to look out for.

Movement: different gaits of dogs. Which gaits are preferred by dogs and which do we look at for training.
Which materials do we use and why, safety and proper handling skills. How to then coach handlers to teach and guide their dogs.
We will also be looking at working together with professionals like osteopaths and fysiotherapists. When to refer clients to a professional therapist and how do you refer them.

The practical part will consist of working individual dogs in the different exercises. During these sessions you will learn to look and see. Especially this last part is important. Proprioception training requires you to look at dogs in a different way, look past body language to see what is happening with the balance of the body and muscle movement. Learning to see how posture and build will influence which exercises to use and the way you set up exercises. How does the dog move and what does that mean? What does an exercise do to the body movement and muscle tension. Learn when and how to increase criteria for different exercises and when not to implement an exercise.
We will be looking at cavaletti training, balance ball exercises, motor skills, plank work and balance boards.

Day 1:
- what is proprioception training
- movement and gaits theory and practical
- cavaletti training theory

Day 2:
- cavaletti training practical
- motor skills theory and practical

Day 3
- balance ball theory
- balance ball practical

Day 4
- warming up and cooling down
- plank work theory and practical

Day 5
- practical of the different exercises live and video: learning to see

These subjects are for instructors specifically mainly.

Listen to this Podcast to hear more from Sam about Proprioception and her background:

Facebook Event:

PRIS: 7.450 dkk - Det er muligt at dele prisen op i 2,3,4 eller 5 dele.

Inkluderet i prisen: Frugt, let frokost, Kaffe/the og kage.
- Begrænset pladser til Max 15.
- Vi vil "bruge" 10 - 12 raske voksne hunde for den praktiske del, hvor vi bruger kun en ad gangen til at observere bevægelse.
- Kursen er ikke delt op i hundepladser og observatør pladser og derfor er prisen den samme om du har hund med eller ej. Vi har kun brug for hundene til at vi alle sammen kan observere :-) Hør nærmere hvis I har spørgsmål!

Kontakt Mally : e-mail: minpuli@gmail eller mobil: +45-29859576

Sam Turner:
Has been training people and their dogs professionally for 17 years. In 2016 her third book of the series: "Your dog physically and mentally in balance." was published in The Netherlands. She is a member of the IMDT.
Sam has specialised in Proprioception training for dogs the past 6 years. This experience gives her extensive knowledge of how a dog's body develops and moves and how to offer exercise best suited to the individual dog. Whether your dog is a pet dog, a sports dog or has an injury, proprioception training offers exercises suited to develop and maintain fitness.

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to May 27

Weekend Seminar med Chirag Patel!! Meget få plads tilbage!!

  • Google Calendar ICS


Weekend seminar med Chirag Patel i Aalborg!! En spændende weekend i Aalborg hvor fokus emnerne bliver hvalpe og tvangsfri hverdags håndtering!!

Vi får også lov til at opleve Chirag undervise en times hvalpe klasse som bliver sendt ud live.

Kom og være med i hyggelige omgivelser helt central i Aalborg by.

Pris: 3250.-  Inkluderet frokost, kaffe/te, vand, frugt og kage.

Send mig en mail hvis du vil få plads:

Glæder mig til at se jer!!


Sted: Rendsburggade 14, 9000 Aalborg -





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to Sep 11

5 day course Proprioception with Sam Turner!

Proprioception training will give you a deeper understanding of dog’s bodies and how to use exercises to enhance fitness and strength as well as mental and physical stamina. In this course there will be a combination of theory and practice. The theory will look at the different exercise we use and why we use them. What is the effect on the body and what do we need to look out for.

Movement: different gaits of dogs. Which gaits are preferred by dogs and which do we look at for training.
Which materials do we use and why, safety and proper handling skills. How to then coach handlers to teach and guide their dogs.
We will also be looking at working together with professionals like osteopaths and fysiotherapists. When to refer clients to a professional therapist and how do you refer them.

The practical part will consist of working individual dogs in the different exercises. During these sessions you will learn to look and see. Especially this last part is important. Proprioception training requires you to look at dogs in a different way, look past body language to see what is happening with the balance of the body and muscle movement. Learning to see how posture and build will influence which exercises to use and the way you set up exercises. How does the dog move and what does that mean? What does an exercise do to the body movement and muscle tension. Learn when and how to increase criteria for different exercises and when not to implement an exercise.
We will be looking at cavaletti training, balance ball exercises, motor skills, plank work and balance boards.

Day 1:
- what is proprioception training
- movement and gaits theory and practical
- cavaletti training theory

Day 2:
- cavaletti training practical
- motor skills theory and practical

Day 3
- balance ball theory
- balance ball practical

Day 4
- warming up and cooling down
- plank work theory and practical

Day 5
- practical of the different exercises live and video: learning to see

These subjects are for instructors specifically mainly.


PRIS: 5.450 dkk
Inkluderet i prisen: Frugt, let frokost, Kaffe/the og kage.
- Begrænset pladser
- Vi vil "bruge" 10 - 12 raske voksne hunde for den praktiske del, hvor vi bruger kun en ad gangen til at observere bevægelse.
- Kursen er ikke delt op i hundepladser og observatør pladser og derfor er prisen den samme om du har hund med eller ej. Vi har kun brug for hundene til at vi alle sammen kan observere :-) Hør nærmere hvis I har spørgsmål!

Kontakt Mally : e-mail: minpuli@gmail eller mobil: +45-29859576

Sam Turner:
Has been training people and their dogs professionally for 17 years. In 2016 her third book of the series: "Your dog physically and mentally in balance." was published in The Netherlands. She is a member of the IMDT.
Sam has specialised in Proprioception training for dogs the past 6 years. This experience gives her extensive knowledge of how a dog's body develops and moves and how to offer exercise best suited to the individual dog. Whether your dog is a pet dog, a sports dog or has an injury, proprioception training offers exercises suited to develop and maintain fitness.

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to Jul 2

Puppy development and proprioception in Reykjavik!

Info in English below.

Helgina 1 og 2. Júlí mun Sam Turner halda helgar námskeið í þróunarferli hvolpsins til fullorðins hunds og hreyfingu, líkamsvitund og fitness.

Fyrsta daginn mun hún fjalla um meðal annars:
- Þróun heila, vöðva og beinagrind hvolpsins frá nokkra daga gömlum og upp að 6 mánaða aldri.
- Hvernig hormóna kerfið hefur áhrif á þróun líkamans, vöðva og beinagrind og hvernig það gefur áhrif á hvernig hundurinn túlkar heiminn. Þetta á við aldurinn 6 mánaða og til ca 1,5 árs.

Hún mun fara í gegnum hvernig við getum á þann besta hátt örvað hvolpinn og unghundinn í takt með þroska líkamans og hvernig við byggjum sjálfsöryggi upp. Þar sem við notumst við heildarmyndina, Skynjun, hreyfingu og þjálfun.

Seinni daginn mun hún fara í gegnum fitness. Hún mun kenna okkur að horfa á hreyfingu hundsins og hvernig við getum séð ef eitthvað er að. Hún mun notast við vídeó og jafnvel munum við hafa demo hunda á þann daginn. Einnig munum við fá hugmyndir af æfingum sem styðja allt ofangreint.

Sam heldur fyrirlestra og námskeið út um allan heim og er að skrifa 4 bókina sína um þetta efni.

Nánskeiðið hentar vel fyrir alla almenna hundaeigendur, dýralækna hundaþjálfara og þá sem stunda hunda íþróttir með hundinum sínum!


Verð: 29.900.-
Staðfestingar gjald er: 10.000.- en restina megiði þið borga um mánaðarmótin.
Skráning hjá Mallý:

Reikningsupplýsingar eru:
Málfríður Þorleifsdóttir
kt: 110474-3939
Reikningsnúmer í Landsbankanum:

Innifalið í verðinu: Léttar veitingar, kaffi/the og gos. Ávextir og kaka.

Staðsetning: Skemmuvegur 40, Neðra plan, Reykjavík.
Allar glærur verða sendar.

Vonast til að sjá sem flesta :)



What do puppies need?
Puppies grow and develop at a very high speed. Their development consists of physical growth (getting bigger), sensory development (sight and sound and being able to localise where it comes from), coping with the world. Puppies can be offered a variety of stimulation in order to develop in these areas.
Sensory stimulation (surfaces, sounds, movement), body awareness (coordination, balance, proprioception) and learning experiences to build their confidence are part of this. Pups have to deal with a world that does not always make sense to dogs and socialisation is a big part of puppy development.
What do people want? Mostly they want a puppy to have fun with and go out and about with. Not always directly in tuned with what the puppy might need to develop into the dog that you can take anywhere.

Puppy development:
The physical side of puppy development needs to be addressed. When teaching people with puppies it is important to explain just how the body develops and also how the brain develops through the developmental stages. This knowledge of development is important to have as a trainer. With this knowledge you will be able to provide suitable challenges and be able to give advice as to what exercise and experiences a young puppy can manage.

Physical development is not just growth of the body but there is also the development of the brain. Even though this is not visible straight away it is visible in the way a puppy learns to deal with the world. The development of the brain consists of the development of neural pathways, connections between brain cells. These connections develop under influence of all the different experiences a puppy has when growing up. By offering a variety of experiences and challenges we can influence the number of connections that are made between brain cells, which will influence the ability of the puppy to deal with the world and stress.

Puppy proprioception
By providing experiences and challenges we can influence the development of puppies. The different challenges will influence the bond between owner and puppy (having fun) and will stimulate the development of the neural pathways and body awareness. After the age of approximately 6 months there will be other developments that will influence both of these areas. By offering proprioception training throughout the puppy period we are able to lay the foundation for the further development in the adolescent period.

Adolescense - Hormones and the influence on development:

At a certain point pups grow out of being pups and into being teenagers. Adolescence comes with a whole new set of challenges. There are major changes physically and mentally. The basis of these changes lie in the development of the brain and changes in hormone production and the way information is processed.

Being aware of what is happening with adolescents will make it easier for you to manage the situation for dog owners and dogs. Adjusting your training and your expectations will make it easier for adolescents to be successful.

We will be looking at the process of hormonal development, the influence of hormones on the body, the development of the brain, changes in behaviour and what are the implications of this on the subject of neutering?

Sam Turner:
Has been training people and their dogs professionally for 17 years. In 2016 her third book of the series: "Your dog physically and mentally in balance." was published in The Netherlands. She is a member of the IMDT.
Sam has specialised in Proprioception training for dogs the past 6 years. This experience gives her extensive knowledge of how a dog's body develops and moves and how to offer exercise best suited to the individual dog. Whether your dog is a pet dog, a sports dog or has an injury, proprioception training offers exercises suited to develop and maintain fitness.


Address: Skemmuvegur 40, Neðra plan, Reykjavík.
Price: €266

Contact info:
Mallý  - tel: +45-29859576

Included in price: Light Lunch, coffee, the, water, cake and fruits


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to Sep 25

Nose Work med Anita Holm!

  • Google Calendar ICS


Nose Work er spændende hundesport som passer til alle hunde. Sporten blev etableret I USA for omkring 11 år siden og er inspireret af operative specialsøgehunde. Som navnet hentyder til så går Nose Work ud på at hunden bruger sin luftesans til at løse forskellige opgaver som f.eks at skelne mellem forskellige dufte og forskellige søge opgaver.

Nose Work består af LGT (Duft prøve test), som hundene skal gennemgå for at begynde at konkurrere og der findes fire klasser: begynder, 1, 2 og 3.

Der er fire forskellige søge områder:


-        Beholder eller papkasse søg.

-        Udendørs søg.

-        Indendørs søg

-        Køretøjs søg.


Næsearbejde styrker relationen mellem hund og menneske og er derudover en god måde til at holde hunden I god form både fysisk og mentalt.

Underviseren er Anita Holm. I kan læse mere om hende her:!anita-holm/c1art


1800.- for plads med hund – Max 8 pladser.

800.-   for plads uden hund – Max 10 pladser.


Sted: Hangar 17, Lufthavnsvej 32, Feldballe, 8410 Rønde.


Tilmelding hos Mally: 


Glæder mig til at se jer!!  

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to Jun 19

Dr. Susan Friedman i Danmark 17 - 19. JUNI 2016

The workshop will be directed to everyone interested in behavior of any learning organism on the planet! Veterinarians, student of behavior analysis, zoologists, as well as trainers, consultants and pet caregivers!!


Three-Day Behavior & Learning Seminars with Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.


Days 1 and 2: Living and Learning with Animals: The Science & Technology of Behavior Change

Living and Learning with Animals (LLA) is a seminar focused on the fundamental principles of learning and behavior, and the behavior change technology known as applied behavior analysis. All animals change their behavior due to experience, i.e., they learn, which gives this course trans-species, and interdisciplinary relevance to all professionals working with behavior.  Topics are presented with slides and illustrative videos and include the following:  How Behavior Works: Understanding and Misunderstanding Behavior; The Significance of Science to Behavior Consulting; Respondent and Operant Learning; Functional Assessment; The Commitment to Ethical Practice; The Case for Empowerment; Procedures for Changing Respondent Behavior; Procedures for Changing Operant Behavior; and, Designing Behavior Change Plans. As a result of attending this seminar, participants will be better able to teach learners effectively and humanely.


Day 3

Morning Seminar (LLA above is prerequisite)

Functional Assessment and Analysis: Hypothesizing the What, When, and Why of Behavior Problems

Functional assessment and analysis is a well-validated set of procedures used to hypothesize and test the functionally related environmental conditions that signal and maintain problem behaviors. The outcome of a good functional assessment is a summary statement that includes: 1) a clear, observable description of the problem behavior, 2) the general and immediate environmental conditions that predict the behavior, and 3) the purpose the behavior serves for the animal (i.e. the consequences the behavior produces). With this information, environmental changes can be made to make the problem behavior irrelevant, inefficient and ineffective, and acceptable alternative behaviors can be reinforced to meet the same, or different, functions for the animal. A framework for accomplishing a functional assessment, analysis, and systematic intervention planning is presented.


Afternoon Seminar (LLA above is prerequisite)

Communication Skills: The Hardest Skills to Master

As behavior consultants, veterinarians, and animal trainers, we often supervise other people, such as clients and coworkers, who carry out the behavior intervention plans we help design. A high level of interpersonal communication skill is required in order to be honest, kind, and effective. This is especially true when the stakes are high, opinions differ, and performance or expectation gaps exist. Based on the communication skills described in the book “Crucial Conversations” by Patterson, et al., participants will learn to do the following: 1) identify the moment a conversation becomes crucial, 2) create safety in order to establish and maintain meaningful dialogue, 3) identify a mutual purpose and mutual respect, and 4) replace victim, villain and helpless stories with facts, action, and follow up. By mastering these skills and others to be discussed and practiced in this seminar, we can replace communication barriers with bridges to improve the quality of life for all learners. 

PRIS: 3.990 DKK (€540)

Included in price - Morning bread, coffee/the, lunch, afternoon snack.


Prices from 28€ per night. Up to 4 people can stay together at lower price.





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to May 29

Grisha Stewart in Iceland!!

  • Google Calendar ICS


Empowered Socialization: BAT for Dog Aggression, Frustration, and Fear!!

Join us in Iceland 28.- 29. May 2016!

Place - Icepharma - Lynghálsi 13, 110 Reykjavík.

Price - $272.00

Included in the price - Lunch, coffee, cakes, water and fruit.

Read more about Grisha her:

Program soon to come!!

Contact Mally here: or here: +45 - 29 85 95 76


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to Aug 23

"Do as I do" med Claudia Fugazza

Do as I Do er en ny træningsmetode baseret på hundens sociale kognitive evne. Med denne metode kan hunden lære ny adfærd – blot ved at observere og imitere, hvad du gør.

Claudia Fugazza vil gennemgå bl.a. baggrunden for Do as I Do, forskellen mellem individuel indlæring, social indlæring og medfødt adfærd, hvorfor det er interessant at studere social indlæring hos hunde. Vi vil få gode og grundige træningsredskaber så vi kan arbejde selvstændig med vores hunde. Og meget meget mere. Forbered jer på en yderst spændende weekend med en dygtig underviser, stor faglighed, praktiske øvelser og ikke mindst en masse hygge.


Praktiske oplysninger:

Sted:      Fuglsøcentret, Dragsmurvej 6, 8420 Knebel


              Weekends seminar u/hund   Kr. 2250,-

               Weekends seminar m/hund  Kr. 2950,-

Inkluderet er: morgenbrød, frokost buffet (inkl. 1 øl el. 1 vand), kaffe og kage, samt frugt og vand.


                  Kr. 608,- i dobbeltværelse

                  Kr. 828,- i enkeltværelse

Inkluderet er: middag m/2 retter

 Skal du ikke overnatte, men har lyst til, at spise middagsmad og hygge lidt med os andre lørdag aften – kan dette gøres for kun kr. 128,-

 OBS!! Alle hunde der vil deltage i seminaret SKAL kunne udføre mindst 3 øvelser med verbalt signal, uden noget form for kropslig signal. Udover de 3 øvelser skal hunden også være i stand til at, stå/sit og vente. De 3 ovennævnte øvelser skal selvfølgelige være nogle ting som I (mennesker) kan demonstrere. Dvs. Der kan ikke bruges øvelser som f.eks. giv pote eller gå i mellem benene. Eksemplar på øvelser kunne være f.eks. gå rundt om noget, hoppe op på et bord/stol, røre en genstand med næsen, hoppe over en genstand osv.

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to Oct 26

"Do as I do" med Claudia Fugazza

  • Google Calendar ICS

Hvad ville du sige til at kunne lære din hund nye tricks ved bare at vise den, hvad du vil have den til at gøre?

Det kan faktisk godt lade sig gøre, og til næste efterår arrangerer Forlaget Tro-fast i samarbejde med Hundevenligverden (Mally Torleifsdottir) kursus i netop dette.


Claudia Fugazza kommer fra Italien og har studeret ulve og hunde og skrevet en Ph.D. om ulves og hundes evner til at efterligne andre arter, og det er der kommet dette nye træningskoncept ud af, som hun nu rejser verden rundt med for at præsentere.


Weekendkurset afholdes d. 25 - 26. oktober 2014 på Danhostel Givskud, så sæt allerede nu kryds i kalenderen og tilmeld dig nyhedsmail på, så får du besked, så snart der foreligger nyt om kurset, og der kan købes billetter. Undervisningen foregår på engelsk.


Der bliver mulighed for at deltage med eller uden hund. Der er plads til 12 personer med én hund hver og ca. 30 personer uden hund.

Prisen ligger fra 2.000 - 3.200 kr. afhængigt at om du vil overnatte og om du ønsker at deltage med hund.


Deltagende hunde skal kunne omgås andre hunde fredeligt.

De hunde der deltager på kurset, skal kunne udføre mindst 3 handlinger på kommando (ingen fagter), men det skal være handlinger, som kan efterlignes af hundeføreren som demonstration. Ideer til handlinger kan man få på videoklippene; og den skal også kunne sidde og blive siddende.

Handlingerne skal kunne foretages uafhængigt at hundeføreren, så f.eks. det at gå under hundeførerens ben, eller give pote, er ikke velegnet adfærd.

Eksempler på anvendelige handlinger kan være: Røre et target med snude eller pote, kravle op på en stol, springe op på et agilitybord, dreje rundt om sig selv, ligge, springe over noget osv.

Hvis du skal bruge ting til din øvelse, skal du selv sørge for at medbringe det.

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