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Puppy development and proprioception in Reykjavik!

Info in English below.

Helgina 1 og 2. Júlí mun Sam Turner halda helgar námskeið í þróunarferli hvolpsins til fullorðins hunds og hreyfingu, líkamsvitund og fitness.

Fyrsta daginn mun hún fjalla um meðal annars:
- Þróun heila, vöðva og beinagrind hvolpsins frá nokkra daga gömlum og upp að 6 mánaða aldri.
- Hvernig hormóna kerfið hefur áhrif á þróun líkamans, vöðva og beinagrind og hvernig það gefur áhrif á hvernig hundurinn túlkar heiminn. Þetta á við aldurinn 6 mánaða og til ca 1,5 árs.

Hún mun fara í gegnum hvernig við getum á þann besta hátt örvað hvolpinn og unghundinn í takt með þroska líkamans og hvernig við byggjum sjálfsöryggi upp. Þar sem við notumst við heildarmyndina, Skynjun, hreyfingu og þjálfun.

Seinni daginn mun hún fara í gegnum fitness. Hún mun kenna okkur að horfa á hreyfingu hundsins og hvernig við getum séð ef eitthvað er að. Hún mun notast við vídeó og jafnvel munum við hafa demo hunda á þann daginn. Einnig munum við fá hugmyndir af æfingum sem styðja allt ofangreint.

Sam heldur fyrirlestra og námskeið út um allan heim og er að skrifa 4 bókina sína um þetta efni.

Nánskeiðið hentar vel fyrir alla almenna hundaeigendur, dýralækna hundaþjálfara og þá sem stunda hunda íþróttir með hundinum sínum!


Verð: 29.900.-
Staðfestingar gjald er: 10.000.- en restina megiði þið borga um mánaðarmótin.
Skráning hjá Mallý:

Reikningsupplýsingar eru:
Málfríður Þorleifsdóttir
kt: 110474-3939
Reikningsnúmer í Landsbankanum:

Innifalið í verðinu: Léttar veitingar, kaffi/the og gos. Ávextir og kaka.

Staðsetning: Skemmuvegur 40, Neðra plan, Reykjavík.
Allar glærur verða sendar.

Vonast til að sjá sem flesta :)



What do puppies need?
Puppies grow and develop at a very high speed. Their development consists of physical growth (getting bigger), sensory development (sight and sound and being able to localise where it comes from), coping with the world. Puppies can be offered a variety of stimulation in order to develop in these areas.
Sensory stimulation (surfaces, sounds, movement), body awareness (coordination, balance, proprioception) and learning experiences to build their confidence are part of this. Pups have to deal with a world that does not always make sense to dogs and socialisation is a big part of puppy development.
What do people want? Mostly they want a puppy to have fun with and go out and about with. Not always directly in tuned with what the puppy might need to develop into the dog that you can take anywhere.

Puppy development:
The physical side of puppy development needs to be addressed. When teaching people with puppies it is important to explain just how the body develops and also how the brain develops through the developmental stages. This knowledge of development is important to have as a trainer. With this knowledge you will be able to provide suitable challenges and be able to give advice as to what exercise and experiences a young puppy can manage.

Physical development is not just growth of the body but there is also the development of the brain. Even though this is not visible straight away it is visible in the way a puppy learns to deal with the world. The development of the brain consists of the development of neural pathways, connections between brain cells. These connections develop under influence of all the different experiences a puppy has when growing up. By offering a variety of experiences and challenges we can influence the number of connections that are made between brain cells, which will influence the ability of the puppy to deal with the world and stress.

Puppy proprioception
By providing experiences and challenges we can influence the development of puppies. The different challenges will influence the bond between owner and puppy (having fun) and will stimulate the development of the neural pathways and body awareness. After the age of approximately 6 months there will be other developments that will influence both of these areas. By offering proprioception training throughout the puppy period we are able to lay the foundation for the further development in the adolescent period.

Adolescense - Hormones and the influence on development:

At a certain point pups grow out of being pups and into being teenagers. Adolescence comes with a whole new set of challenges. There are major changes physically and mentally. The basis of these changes lie in the development of the brain and changes in hormone production and the way information is processed.

Being aware of what is happening with adolescents will make it easier for you to manage the situation for dog owners and dogs. Adjusting your training and your expectations will make it easier for adolescents to be successful.

We will be looking at the process of hormonal development, the influence of hormones on the body, the development of the brain, changes in behaviour and what are the implications of this on the subject of neutering?

Sam Turner:
Has been training people and their dogs professionally for 17 years. In 2016 her third book of the series: "Your dog physically and mentally in balance." was published in The Netherlands. She is a member of the IMDT.
Sam has specialised in Proprioception training for dogs the past 6 years. This experience gives her extensive knowledge of how a dog's body develops and moves and how to offer exercise best suited to the individual dog. Whether your dog is a pet dog, a sports dog or has an injury, proprioception training offers exercises suited to develop and maintain fitness.


Address: Skemmuvegur 40, Neðra plan, Reykjavík.
Price: €266

Contact info:
Mallý  - tel: +45-29859576

Included in price: Light Lunch, coffee, the, water, cake and fruits


Earlier Event: September 24
Nose Work med Anita Holm!