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Dr. Susan Friedman i Danmark 17 - 19. JUNI 2016

The workshop will be directed to everyone interested in behavior of any learning organism on the planet! Veterinarians, student of behavior analysis, zoologists, as well as trainers, consultants and pet caregivers!!


Three-Day Behavior & Learning Seminars with Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.


Days 1 and 2: Living and Learning with Animals: The Science & Technology of Behavior Change

Living and Learning with Animals (LLA) is a seminar focused on the fundamental principles of learning and behavior, and the behavior change technology known as applied behavior analysis. All animals change their behavior due to experience, i.e., they learn, which gives this course trans-species, and interdisciplinary relevance to all professionals working with behavior.  Topics are presented with slides and illustrative videos and include the following:  How Behavior Works: Understanding and Misunderstanding Behavior; The Significance of Science to Behavior Consulting; Respondent and Operant Learning; Functional Assessment; The Commitment to Ethical Practice; The Case for Empowerment; Procedures for Changing Respondent Behavior; Procedures for Changing Operant Behavior; and, Designing Behavior Change Plans. As a result of attending this seminar, participants will be better able to teach learners effectively and humanely.


Day 3

Morning Seminar (LLA above is prerequisite)

Functional Assessment and Analysis: Hypothesizing the What, When, and Why of Behavior Problems

Functional assessment and analysis is a well-validated set of procedures used to hypothesize and test the functionally related environmental conditions that signal and maintain problem behaviors. The outcome of a good functional assessment is a summary statement that includes: 1) a clear, observable description of the problem behavior, 2) the general and immediate environmental conditions that predict the behavior, and 3) the purpose the behavior serves for the animal (i.e. the consequences the behavior produces). With this information, environmental changes can be made to make the problem behavior irrelevant, inefficient and ineffective, and acceptable alternative behaviors can be reinforced to meet the same, or different, functions for the animal. A framework for accomplishing a functional assessment, analysis, and systematic intervention planning is presented.


Afternoon Seminar (LLA above is prerequisite)

Communication Skills: The Hardest Skills to Master

As behavior consultants, veterinarians, and animal trainers, we often supervise other people, such as clients and coworkers, who carry out the behavior intervention plans we help design. A high level of interpersonal communication skill is required in order to be honest, kind, and effective. This is especially true when the stakes are high, opinions differ, and performance or expectation gaps exist. Based on the communication skills described in the book “Crucial Conversations” by Patterson, et al., participants will learn to do the following: 1) identify the moment a conversation becomes crucial, 2) create safety in order to establish and maintain meaningful dialogue, 3) identify a mutual purpose and mutual respect, and 4) replace victim, villain and helpless stories with facts, action, and follow up. By mastering these skills and others to be discussed and practiced in this seminar, we can replace communication barriers with bridges to improve the quality of life for all learners. 

PRIS: 3.990 DKK (€540)

Included in price - Morning bread, coffee/the, lunch, afternoon snack.


Prices from 28€ per night. Up to 4 people can stay together at lower price.





Earlier Event: May 28
Grisha Stewart in Iceland!!
Later Event: August 20