Few Spots available - Due to covid there has been opening in few spots -
Day 1: What is proprioception training and what does it do?
The basis of cavaletti work. Discussing gaits, balance in the body and in movement, coordination and muscle strength/fitness. We will discuss theory and after that you will practice with your own dogs. You will learn how to teach the exercise, look at movement, gaits, setting up the cavaletti for each dog, assess movement and adjust the exercise where necessary.
Day 2: Foot placement and body awareness -
What is body awareness and what is the aim. Equipment choice and use. The exercises that make up this part of the training. The practical part takes you through how to teach the different exercises. How to adjust for different types and age groups. Theory and practical of gymnastics exercises. Aim of the exercises, how to teach and what to look out for.
Day 3: Planks and balance cushions -
Theory and equipment choice for plank work. Why do we use planks and which guidelines are there concerning safety and rules for the planks. Which dogs benefit from plank work.
During the practical part we work with the dogs on how to teach the planks to guardians and their dogs. How to implement the planks and when to do so.
Balance cushions are also part of this day. The theory of balance work and choice of equipment.
Day 4: Balance work and balance balls -
The theory covers appropriate material and equipment and also discusses the use of implementing equipment for strength training in dogs.
Theory will be alternated with practical training with your own dogs. You will learn to look at what is happening in the body when dogs are learning to stand on balance equipment and are standing on balance equipment.
How do you implement the equipment, how to teach the dogs and their guardians and what is the aim of these exercises.
Day 5: Assessment level 1 -
Assessment Level 1 (more information further down)
Discussing homework: lesson plans
Watching videos of exercises. During the course we will be taking video of the dogs when doing the exercises. This day we will be working through those videos. There will also be other video available to illustrate what we have been working on during the course.
At the end of the course you will be able to:
- know what proprioception training is and what it isn’t
- implement the exercises for adult dogs that don’t have any physical limitation
- choose equipment that is appropriate and safe. use equipment in a safe and responsible way
- look at a dog and observe any signs that indicate the dog can/can’t or does/doesn’t want to continue
- estimate the impact an exercise has on a dog
- teach exercises in small approximations and at a level suitable to the skill level of the dog
- set up a lesson plan in which you take the physical and limits of dogs into account
- decide if an exercise is suitable for different age groups
The days will run from 9.00 till 16.00 h. There will be a simple lunch and short breaks in the morning and afternoon to create some space in your heads. Plenty of room for questions and discussion as this is an important part of your learning.
The whole course is a combination of theory and practice. The practical part consists of going through the exercises with different dogs.
This enables you to practice looking at movement of different types of dogs and what you can do exercise wise.
Observation and discussion are very much central for this part of the learning.
You will bring your own dog to the course and they will be working different exercises during the week.
Dogs can’t be younger than 10 months and not older than 10 years of age. Dogs with serious physical limitations are excluded from the practical part of the course.
If you want to join in for your own development and to learn more about and for your dogs but you are not an instructor, this course is still suitable.
Continued learning is done through seminars and in-depths days (advanced course for international participants).
Pris: 8500.-
STED: Slotsgårdsvej 4, Skibsted, 9293 Kongerslev
PLADS TIL 12 MENNESKER -Få pladser er tilbage
Inkluderet let Vegansk frokost, Kaffe, The, kage og frugt
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2626619817580068
Tilmelding og nærmere oplysninger sker hos: Mally@nordicabc.com - Mobil: +45 29859576