Claudia Fugazza kommer igen til Danmark for 5 gang og holder weekend kursus i Level 1 Do as I do :)
Alle dem der deltager vil få adgang til en WhatsApp gruppe hvor vi vil have mulighed for at få svar til alle spørgsmål der kunne dukke op før vi mødes.
23. Marts 2022 klokken 18.00 vil vi alle samles online til ca 2 timers webinar hvor vi får virkelig grundig instruktioner i trainingsmetoden "Do as I do" så vi er helt klar til weekenden.
Der kan kun deltage hunde med i weekenden (28-29 Maj 2022) som allerede har mestret grundfærdigheden i metoden. Og derfor har vi WhatsApp gruppen og det online webinar, så I vil få rigelig med hjælp :)
Sted: Slotsgårdvej 4, 9293 Kongerslev Nordjylland.
Pris: 3390.- Inkluderet er: Weekend seminar, Webinar, adgang til WhatsApp gruppen, Let frokost, The og Kaffe og frugt,snaks og kage.
Tilmelding sker hos Mally:
What is Do as I Do?
“Do as I Do” is a new training method based on dog’s social cognitive skills, particularly on their predisposition to learn from humans. With this technique dogs will learn new behaviours by observing and imitating their owners.
Take a look at this short video:
What is the Seminar about?
During the seminar, Dr. Fugazza will describe how to teach dogs the “imitation rule” and how to progress through
the training protocol. Dogs will first be taught to imitate a small set of familiar actions (actions already trained with traditional techniques) and will then generalize this rule. She will also explain what are the cognitive abilities implied in this training method.
At the end of the training protocol, the owner will be able to teach new behaviors to his dog, simply showing them what to do.
What is Social Learning?
Social learning means acquiring information and behaviors from the observation of others.
Recent ethological studies revealed the social cognitive abilities of dogs and demonstrated that they are surprisingly
predisposed to learn socially from humans.
Look at the webpage for further information: - +45-29859576 -
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